
My Chic Week: November 25- December 1

Friday, December 2, 2016

Happy Friday y'all! This has been quite the week, jumping back into the craziness of school after a relaxing Thanksgiving Break. I only have 11 days of school before Christmas Break begins (thanks goodness) but my teachers decided to make these few weeks a bit stressful with an abundance of tests, quizzes, essays, and projects. Thankfully, my exams are after Christmas this year haha!

My family and I were home for Thanksgiving this year, which meant we were able to decorate earlier than usual. After sleeping in, we went to go pick out our Christmas tree and then I went to a lunchtime barre class. My mom and I spent the rest of the afternoon decorating for Christmas, which is always so fun! After dinner, my entire family watched Elf, which was such a great way to kick off the Christmas season.

I wound up nannying for a few hours on Saturday morning and then came home to help finish decorating afterwards. I loved having time to just relax over break so it was nice to have a low-key afternoon before going to Mass and then having dinner at home.

Sunday was a fairly relaxed day as well. My mom and I ran errands in the morning and then I spent the afternoon working on my to-do list, including blog posts and reading a book for AP Lang that I somehow forgot about haha!

Monday was just one of those days were it was "go, go, go" all day long. Waking up was a bit rough, especially after such a long weekend, so my morning coffee was much needed haha. I had my Faith Formation class in the afternoon and we practiced Away in a Manger. Let me tell you that first graders singing is super cute haha! After Faith Formation, I ran home to eat dinner and then was back to Church for my little brother's Confirmation rehearsal. My brother is being confirmed next week and since I am his sponsor, I wanted to attend the meeting so I know what to do haha. I also had a Psychology test to study for, which was pretty fun as you might imagine.

Tuesday was such a busy day with tests, a meeting during lunch, and working after school.

On Wednesdays and Thursdays at my school, we have "block day", meaning we only have 4 of our 8 class but for a hour and a half. We didn't have too many block days in November due to a plethora of short weeks so this was the first block day in a while, making it seem a million times longer haha.

Yesterday was a pretty exciting day as it was my last college application deadline. I finished all of my applications about a month ago but it was so exciting to reach that final deadline. I find out my next "round" of notifications in a few weeks (eek!) so stay tuned!

Other than that fun deadline, Thursday was fairly normal day as I nannied in the afternoon as well!

Thursday's OOTD

On my Radar:

2. I absolutely loved Full House as a child- my childhood best friend and I would watch it pretty much everyday! This article about how the creator of the show purchased the real-life Tanner house made me so happy to read!

3. This sweater dress is so cute and is under $60!

4. Cristina posted this week about 25 Days of Joy, which I absolutely love as it's the cutest idea!

5. Julia is one of my favorite bloggers and while I was low-key reading through old posts of hers, I found this post on preparing for guests, which is so helpful for the holidays!

This week's posts:

Happy Friday!


  1. Sounds like you had a busy week! I had a hard time motivating myself to do anything on Monday after that long break too, haha! P.S. I'm super jealous that your exams are after Christmas break!

    Tori A. from Prep For A Day

    1. Thank you so much, Tori! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. This makes me want to get on top of all the Christmas activities I want to do!

    1. Aww yay! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season!


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