
Lately... (Part 2)

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I did a similar post a few months back (which you can read here) but I decided that today would be a great time to catch y'all up on some random ins and outs of my life. I love sharing fashion posts with y'all but I also love to share more about me so y'all can get to know me better (namely because I am nosy and love reading this style post on other blogs)!

Eating... lots of Granola bars! I am such a granola bar addict (my favorite is the Nature Valley Oat & Honey ones) as they are so easy to throw into my schoolbag or purse during a busy day!

Drinking... Pumpkin Spice Lattes! Even though it's no where near fall temperatures here in Charlotte a girl can dream and PSLs definitely help out with that.

Listening... to "Closer" like everyone else haha! I have also been loving the Great Gatsby soundtrack lately

Wearing... my new gold Jack Rogers. My trusty white pair that I've had since freshman year during my trip to New York in July and I've been wearing my new gold ones a ton lately!

Loving... Pure Barre classes. I started taking classes in June (which you can read about in this post) but I've been loving squeezing classes into my now much more busy schedule. I love that Pure Barre classes are such a stress reliever and give me some me time everyday in addition to being an amazing workout!

Reading... my AP Psych textbook and Pride & Prejudice for AP Lang. After hearing so many good things about it on other blogs, I just order You are a Bada** but would love to hear y'all's suggestions on which books to read next!

Watching... honestly not a lot! I have had so much homework after school lately, which hasn't given me a ton of free time. But I did catch up on Pretty Little Liars last week (which I love to hate) and cannot believe how the episode ended!

Needing... to work on college applications! I've already completed 2 of my 7 applications but have a lot of supplemental essays to write in the next few months (I'll be done with applications before Christmas Break!)

Excited... for college visits! I have an open house this weekend, an overnight visit at one of my favorite schools in two weeks, need to schedule my last college tour, and will hopefully be going to a football game at one of my top choices!

Hoping... to set a better sleep schedule- senior year has definitely hit hard and I've been staying up later than usual and waking up earlier too, resulting in a lot less sleep and requiring a lot more coffee! My goal is to be done with homework (or hopefully be in bed) by 10 PM every night.

What has been on your "Lately list recently? Let me know in the comments!


  1. I hate how people are hating on PSL this year. So good! I've been wanting to try barre for months!

    1. No hate here whatsoever- I'll be drinking my PSLs all season long haha! I love Pure Barre, it's amazing!

  2. So fun to catch up with you through this post! I've been listing to "closer" non stop too and I hate that I love it!
    Amy | Pastel N Pink

  3. I also love the song "Closer" and I still need to start Pretty Little liars!

    xoxo, Candice

    1. Ahh, I have a love/hate relationship with PLL now but the earlier seasons were amazing!

  4. Loved reading this! I've been dying to try a Pure Barre class!

    The Blush Blonde

    1. Thanks Kristin! I would definitely recommend- they're so fun and are an amazing workout!


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