
Staying in Touch with Long Distance Friends

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

This post has been on my content calendar for a while as I think it's something a lot of college kids deal with as they transition to high school to college: keeping in touch with high school friends. For a bit of a reference, I went to a small high school where I went to elementary, middle, and high school with most of my grade and now go to Clemson University, which is a large public school in South Carolina.

My friends and I all wound up going to different high schools around the East Coast, the closest of my friends being at USC (which is still 2.5 hours from Clemson!). It's definitely an adjustment going from seeing all of your high school friends every day at school (well I didn't see Riley in high school so our friendship has always been long-distance haha!) but it is definitely possible to remain friendships, even if you go to different colleges that are far away, so I wanted to share some tricks and tips that have come in handy.

Utilize Social Media
Even if I haven't talked to one of my friends in a while, I love keeping up with what they're doing through social media. As much as we all have a love/hate relationship, it's great for long-distance friendships as you see what they've been up to without asking "what are you up" every day.

Remember the Little Things
Maybe it's seeing their favorite food in the dining hall and texting them about it. Or maybe sending them a congrats text for their sorority initiation. This is such an easy way to stay in touch and also helps your friend feel loved (and who doesn't love a fun message from a friend)

Make time to Check in (whether on FaceTime or a quick text message)
I love texting but sometimes talking on the phone is the best way to catch up. I feel like you're able to say a lot more than the typical "hey, what are you up" and have a real conversation, which is so important for staying in touch. Since college can get busy, I sometimes try to schedule a time to catch up or just send them a text message saying that I just got out of class and can catch up if they have time!

Remember Birthdays
I absolutely love celebrating my friends on their birthdays. I know that there is nothing better than receiving texts from friends on your birthday and it's such an easy way to stay in touch (or reconnect if you haven't talked in a while). Writing them a letter or sending them a package of a little gift or some of their favorite candy is also a great idea!

Don't be afraid to reach out
College is busy- you're suddenly overwhelmed with class, homework, projects, and tests as well as clubs and making new friends. It's easy to forget to text or call friends from home but putting in the extra mile is so so important. I know for me that nothing cheers up a crazy day like talking to a friend and catching up can help cure homesickness for both of y'all too!

Accept that your relationship will probably change
I'm not saying that your high school friends aren't your friends anymore but it's harder to develop a friendship when you're hundreds of miles apart, especially after years of seeing each other practically every day. Your everyday texts may get a bit more sparse and you will find your own friends in college but these things can help strengthen your friendship if you put the work into it.

How do you stay in touch with friends that live far away? Let me know in the comments!

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