
Weekend Reading

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Happy Saturday! I'm back with a new Weekend Reading post- it's been quite a while since the last one but basically it's a series here on Chic in Carolina where I share 10 links from around the web each weekend!

a little throwback to last Christmas- can't wait to decorate this weekend!

1. I just read "Deadly Little Scandals" and really liked it! It's the sequel to "Little White Lies", which I read earlier this year and read after hearing about it from Grace's book review!

2. I hosted Friendsgiving a few weekends ago and I loved Amy's tips for making your Friendsgiving a successful event!

3. Did you hear that You Season 2 is coming out soon? I'm so excited to watch!

4. I just picked up these end tables to use as nightstands in my bedroom at home and I love the way they look! Stay tuned for an updated room tour soon!

5. Another recent Target purchase, this darling wrapping paper! Clearly excited for Christmas over here!

7. My Christmas Pinterest board is getting a little love getting ready for the holidays- follow along!

8. Love this guide to Charleston at Christmas

9. Obsessed with this bow cape that Kate styled on her blog

10. Many of the Black Friday deals that I shared yesterday on the blog are still going on- be sure to check that out!

Happy Saturday!

Black Friday Sales

Friday, November 29, 2019

Happy Black Friday! Thanksgiving has come and gone and now it's time to get everything ready for Christmas! Black Friday (as well as the sales that continue into the weekend) is the perfect time to get ahead on some shopping or maybe treat yourself to a few items too (I won't tell!). I'm not the biggest fan of Black Friday in stores but online with a cup of coffee? Yes, please!

I decided to round up some of my favorite retailers, the deals they're having, and my favorite pieces that are currently on sale! Happy shopping!

Alo Yoga- 70% off sale, 30% off full price items

Anthropologie- 30% off everything

Beyond Yoga- 30% off

Draper James- 25% off with code GRATEFUL

Drybar- 20% off

Evelyn Henson- 25% off with code SHOPSMALL25

Jack Rogers- 30% off with code BF2019

J. Crew- 50% off, extra 60% off sale with code FRIDAY

J. Crew Factory- 60% off, extra 60% off sale, free shipping with code YAYDEALS

Kate Spade- 40% off with code TGIBF

Kendra Scott- 25% off or 30% off orders of $300+

Lake Pajamas- whole site is on sale!

Lilly Pulitzer- Gifts with Purchase!

Lulu & Georgia- 25% off with code BIGTHANKS

Lululemon- select items on sale

Moon & Lola- 30% off with code BLACKFRIDAY2019

Serena & Lily- 25% off with code THANKFUL

Shopbop- 15% of orders $200+, 20% off orders $500+, 25% off orders $800+ with code MORE19

Swoozie's- 25% off Holiday collections with code HOLIDAY25

Target- select items on sale

Tory Burch- 30% off orders of $250+, up to 60% off sale with code THANKS

Tuckernuck- 20% off site wide, 25% off orders $500+, 30% off orders $1000+ with code BRIGHT

Ulta- select items on sale

Vineyard Vines- 40% off select items and 25% off sale with code BLACKFRI19

Happy shopping!

My Chic Week: November 22-28

Friday, November 29, 2019

Happy Friday! This week's MCW post is a particularly exciting one as I've been home this past week for Thanksgiving Break. My classes for Monday and Tuesday all canceled so I decided to go home on Thursday night, giving me an extra long break! I hope y'all are all enjoying your Thanksgiving break so far and let's catch up on what I've been up to!

Friday was my first day of break so I slept in before going to a noon class at my Pure Barre studio. This is the class I go to the most often when I'm home over the summer and I miss PB whenever I'm at school (to whoever can make these sort of things happen, I need a Pure Barre studio in Clemson please!).

After class, I came home for lunch and worked on some blog stuff. The next week and a half will be crazy with the end of the semester so I'm trying to get lots of content pre-scheduled for y'all! Friday night, my family had homemade pizza for dinner, which was so yummy!

The weather was pretty rainy and dreary on Saturday so I had a laid back day at home! I babysat for a family that lives nearby on Saturday night so nothing too crazy to report!

Sunday was another laid back day- perfect for enjoying a break from classes!

I slept till 9 on Monday before getting up, eating breakfast, and getting some blog work done before my Pure Barre class. After barre, I grabbed a juice at Clean Juice before running a few errands.

Over the summer, I rearranged my room (see the before here) so I could bring my desk to Clemson with me for the year (see my Clemson bedroom here). I needed side tables for my room and decided to get these two from Target, which I think are so cute. I definitely need to add some more decor to my room but I'm planning on sharing an updated room tour soon!

I then went home to eat and then went to go pick up the little boys I nanny from school! I've been nannying the same family over the summer since high school (I also picked them up during the school year when I was in high school) and I always try to visit whenever I'm home!

Tuesday was a pretty similar day as I slept in, went to barre, then nannied in the afternoon!

On Wednesday morning, I met my two best friends from high school for coffee, which was so much fun! I don't think we managed to all get together in such a long time so it was fun to finally get to catch up! We wound up sitting in the coffee shop for almost two and a half hours, which you know means you had some catching up to do!

Wednesday night, my family hosted a bunch of our family friends over for dinner, which was so fun to see everybody!

We started off Thanksgiving with a Turkey Trot in my town, which is very family oriented and a lot of people walk the 5k (aka me and my family haha). We then came home and started cooking for dinner. It was only my immediate family this year, which was really laid back and relaxing. Although it is fun to see everything, it was kind of nice to have a chill Thanksgiving this year! We ate in the afternoon and then spent the rest of the day hanging out!

before the Turkey Trot

A selfie since it was just the 5 of us haha!

On the Blog:

Happy Friday!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving y'all! Just wanted to pop in over here and hope that you're having a great day with family and friends celebrating all the things there is to be thankful for (including all of today's yummy food!). I am so thankful for Chic in Carolina and all that it has given me over the course of a few years!

Happy Thanksgiving!

10 Things To Do in the First Hour You’re Awake

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

I am no means a morning person but there is nothing better than starting your day on the right foot. I put together a list of 10 things to do during the first hour that you wake up to help kick start your day and start things on the right note.

image via my room tour

1. Get Out of Bed as Quickly as Possible

In an ideal world, I'll say don't hit snooze but I should probably work on that before advising y'all to do the same! For now, I'll just say get out of bed as quickly as possible. Staying in bed only makes you want to go back to sleep and won't make getting up and being productive any easier!

2. Make your bed

If you only have time for one item on this list (rather than eating of course!), do this! Making your bed makes your whole room look pulled together even if everything else is a mess. Plus, it makes getting back into bed a little bit harder to do ;)

3. Breakfast + coffee

Being hungry definitely does not start your day on a good note so I always make time to eat breakfast in the morning. I definitely can't survive mornings without coffee so that's included too!

4. Go through your emails

I try to keep my emails at 0 so I like to go through any emails I received overnight in the morning as well as respond to any that I need to. This starts the day on a bit more of an organized note!

5. Update your agenda

My agenda definitely serves as a lifeline during busy weeks as it holds everything: my schedule, to-do lists, and random little notes. Taking a few minutes to update it as well as to look through it makes sure I don't forget anything for the day ahead plus helps me keep track of everything I need to do!

6. Prep your bag

I first pack the essentials for the day (binders for specific classes) and then the extras (different clothes for the gym, name tag for USAB events, etc.). Making sure I have everything makes for a lot less stress!

7. Drink water

I try to drink a lot of water everyday and start by drinking a cup of water right when I get up! Then I bring my Yeti tumbler with me to class and fill it up throughout the day!

8. Take a few minutes just for you

I always wake up at a time where I have time to sit down with my cup of coffee before I have to leave the house. It doesn't take more than 5 minutes but it's so nice to have a little me time before the day begins (especially a few minutes devoted to not thinking about school). I think it's so important to have a good balance between school (or work) and life and this is a good way to do that!

9. Tidy up your bedroom

The mornings where I don't have time to tidy up my room and put things always feel a bit more chaotic than the days where I do. I am definitely a bit of a neat freak but having everything put away makes me feel a little less stressed. Who doesn't love having a nice clean room to come back to at the end of the day?

10. Prep your lunch

I bring my lunch to campus a few days a week so prepping that is obviously a must! Making lunch saves so much money rather than buying something and is typically healthier too!

What are some things you do as soon as you wake up? Let me know in the comments!

My Chic Week: November 8-21

Friday, November 22, 2019

Happy Friday from at home in Charlotte! I am officially home for Thanksgiving Break (yay for my classes next week being canceled) and I am so excited to have some time to chill before the craziness of the end of the semester. I apologize for this post getting up later than usual but I have so much to catch y'all up on so let's get started!

Friday morning, I got up and went to my math class- nothing too exciting! After my class, I picked my little Nora up at her apartment and we headed back to my house so I could quickly change before going to lunch with one of our old Theta advisors!

After lunch, I dropped Nora off and then got some laundry done and hung out. Friday night was super exciting as my friend Maggie (who I met through blogging) was in Clemson so I went to dinner with her and her sweet roommate. They are both Thetas at Wofford and it was so much fun finally getting to meet her!

I then had a pretty chill night as Nora came over and we made brownies.

This weekend was pretty chill overall, which was definitely welcomed after a few crazy busy weeks! My roommate was out of town so I was able to get a lot done! On Saturday, I slept in before getting a bit of blog organization done. I then got ready and picked Nora up so we could go to Target. I needed a few random things and I always love a good Target run!

Clemson had an away game so we ordered pizza and our friend Olivia came over to watch it with us!

Sunday was a get my life together kind of a day haha! I slept in, made some pumpkin bread and pumpkin cookies, did laundry, cleaned my house, caught up on some homework, and worked on some blog posts!

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were all pretty typical days full of class, working on homework and projects, going to the gym, nothing too crazy!

My first two classes of the day were canceled that Thursday, which was so nice as I was able to sleep in and get a good chunk of a paper done. I then went to my 2 PM class before heading back home. I had an USAB meeting Thursday night then went out to dinner with a bunch of my friends, which was so much fun!

Last Friday started off on the early side as I had a school visit for one of my classes that was about 30 minutes away. I offered to drive a group of my friends so we went to the school and then stopped at Panera afterwards for lunch, which was a lot of fun. It was kind of strange being up so early and being dressed nicely but I guess I will have to get used to that with more field placements right around the corner.

OOTD- Top: Lilly Pulitzer (same top, different print) ⎢Cardigan: Lilly Pulitzer (similar) ⎢Skirt: Vineyard Vines (similar) ⎢Flats: Tory Burch ⎢Tote: Leather Market in Florence, Italy (similar)

My afternoon was pretty laid back as Rachel and I watched Grey's then I worked on homework. One of our friends was hosting a 21st party for one of her friends so Rachel and I stopped by for a little bit before going to bed!

Saturday was our last home football game of the season, which definitely was a bit bittersweet as I'll be a senior the next time I'm in Death Valley! We went to one of our friend's house to eat lunch and hung out a bit before walking to campus. It was a 3:30 game so we didn't have too much time before the game and we headed into the stadium with a good chunk of time to spare (after taking pictures of course!)

4 for the 4th quarter ft. my gorgeous new Clemson ring!!

The field was PACKED after the game!

OOTD- Sweater: Tuckernuck (similar, styled here) ⎢Jeans: AG (on sale!) ⎢Necklace: Vineyard Vines (old) ⎢Jacket: Barbour ⎢Cowboy Boots: Laredo ⎢Sunglasses: Maui Jim (borrowed from my mom but similar here) ⎢Apple WatchBracelet: David Yurman

We beat Wake Forest and it was such a fun one! We stayed the whole time to rush the field and then walked back to our friend's house before getting McAlister's for dinner. The nice thing about 3:30 games is that you're done fairly early so I was able to go to bed somewhat early!

On Sunday night, Rachel and I hosted Friendsgiving for our friends, which was so much fun! I decided to make a turkey, which was quite the operation and I spent a bit of time getting it ready then waiting for it to cook in the oven! It turned out pretty well and we had quite the spread of food! The end of the semester is quickly approaching so it was fun to see so many of my friends!

Monday was a bit of an odd day as both of my classes were unexpectedly canceled. I always love when classes get canceled but I was about to walk out the door when I got the email so it made me feel a bit all over the place for the day! I wound up getting a lot of work done, which is always a good thing, and then met up with a few friends to work on a project for our reading class. After we finished, I picked Rachel up and we grabbed Chipotle for dinner. My family just got Disney+ so we watched the second High School Musical movie!

Tuesday was a full day of classes and then I had lunch with friends in between. I came home, attempted to pack, did homework, and then watched the 3rd High School Musical movie haha!

Wednesday morning was pretty typical as I had my two classes and then headed home. I made lunch and decided to do my hair before heading back to campus to film a video for my reading class. We managed to get it done fairly quickly, which was such a relief!

Wednesday night was really exciting as Rachel, our friend Madison, and I decided to go to the Jonas Brothers concert in Charlotte! We literally bought our tickets Wednesday afternoon and then drove to Charlotte. The concert was so so fun and so worth the late night and 6 hours in the car!

OOTN- Sweater: Anthropologie (borrowed from Rachel) ⎢Jeans: bought in Italy this past summer (which you can read about here) ⎢Wedges: OTBT ⎢Necklace: Kendra Scott ⎢Earrings: Sheila Fajl

Getting up on Thursday morning was a little rough after going to bed so late the night before but thankfully my 11 AM class canceled so after my 9:30 AM, I was able to go home for a bit. I put off packing to the last second and was glad I had time to do that as well as tidy up my house before leaving for a week! I then went to my 2 PM, which actually was the last time that class meets in person which is crazy to think about!

I drove Nora to the airport, which I drive by on my way from Clemson to Charlotte, so I picked her up at her apartment before stopping at my house to get all of my stuff. We were then on the road and thankfully traffic wasn't bad at all! I had dinner at home with my family and then went to bed early, which is always welcomed!

Happy Friday!

What's in my Backpack

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Am I the only one who finds "What's in my Bag" posts absolutely fascinating? Since I usually don't use a purse most days I have class but use a backpack everyday, I wanted to share with y'all what I keep in my backpack for a day of classes.

First off, let's talk about the backpack. I have this Northface and have used it all throughout college. I was a tote bag girl in high school but realized I needed something a bit more substantial for lugging things all around campus all day. I've used it for three years now and it has held up amazingly well- worth every penny!

Laptop- I think this may be the most obvious thing to keep in my backpack given that I need it for all of my classes haha! I have a MacBook Pro and absolutely love it!

Laptop Charger- On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I'm on campus from 9:30 AM till 3:15 PM and am on my computer for a good chunk of that time so I definitely need to bring my charger with me (or my 2 PM class would be a bit harder with a dead computer).

Binders- I am definitely a binder kind of a girl when it comes to organization. Each class (minus my math class that requires a composition book) has its own agenda and I find that it keeps everything so much more organized as I can keep everything in the order it needs to be in to make sense. Let me know if y'all would be interested in a blog post on this!

Agenda- The one item I don't think I could survive college without! I rely a bit too much on my agenda and bring it to class to keep my to-do lists updated and to update any dates that come up!

Pencil Pouch- My pencil pouch is looking a little rough but does the job of carrying around the million pens and highlighters I insist on bringing to class with me!

AirPods- A bit extra but I love my AirPods! They connect so easily to all of my devices and the fact that they're wireless makes things so much better as you aren't restricted to sitting in one spot. I keep these in my bag for studying as well as going to the gym after class.

Hand Sanitizer (different scent)- I didn't bring any hand sanitizer with me to Italy this summer and was constantly using my friends so after that trip, I always keep some with me. As an education major, I'm around a lot of germs thanks to those sweet tiny humans so I try my hardest not to get sick. My mom sent me this fun foam one from Bath & Body Works and I love that it is not as boring as regular hand sanitizer (the little things y'all!).

Lip Balm- I always keep a lip balm in my bag and now that it's cold out, I find myself reaching for it more! Mine is by Fresh Cosmetics and while it's on the pricy side, it's worth the splurge!

Blue Light Glasses- I spend a lot of time on my computer and honestly, my eyes were starting to hurt because of it. I bought these blue light glasses last semester and love them!

Water Bottle- I always try to keep a bottle of water on me and my favorite is my Yeti as it keeps ice cold forever! I bought a lid that closes it completely, which lets me tuck it into my water bottle pocket in my bag for walking to each class.

Sunglasses (similar)- A bit silly but I can't go anywhere without a pair of sunglasses! I'm currently borrowing this pair from my mom but I love a good pair of aviators!

Wallet- A lot of my friends use phone wallets and love them but I just use a regular wallet! Nothing too crazy!

Umbrella- One of my friends freshman year kept an umbrella in her bag all the time and I thought it was the smartest thing ever. I really need to get better at checking the weather before walking out the door but in the mean time, I'll always have my umbrella in my bag ready to go!

Keys- Kind of a given now that I drive to campus everyday but I always have my car keys on me! Even last year when I wasn't driving as much, I would keep them on me as I would have my dorm key on them and keeping everything in one spot made things a lot less complicated!

What do you keep in your backpack? Let me know in the comments!

A Day in my Life: Fall 2019

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Happy Tuesday! My favorite type of posts to read on other blogs are ones that give you a peek into the blogger's day-to-day life, you know not the glossy Instagram version but real life. I love seeing day in my life and peeking into someone else's schedules (in a non creepy way!).

Now that we are close to the end of the semester, I am definitely feeling settled into my routine. This semester my classes are a bit more spread out so I have 2 classes on Monday/Wednesday/Friday (but only 1 on Friday!) and 3 on Tuesday/Thursday.

My Tuesdays and Thursdays start on the early side as I have a 9:30 AM class. Now that I live off campus, I can't just leave my dorm 10 minutes before class starts and be on time so a bit more planning goes into it now! I have 3 out of my 5 classes on Tuesday Thursday, and my schedule is nice as it does give me a break for a lunch. I have my PE class then Digital Media (learning how to use different digital resources in the classroom) before I have an hour and a half long break. I typically eat with my friend Caroline as we have the same schedule so we decompress from class and I usually can't help but grab Starbucks. My roommate and a few other friends have this break so sometimes we'll go eat with them across campus!

I then have my 2 PM class and I'm done for the day. I have been going to a 6 PM barre class at our gym on campus but if I don't go to that, I'll typically go to the gym right after class as it's on my walk back to my car. Then, I typically work on homework or hang out with friends before going to bed!

for more day in my life posts, check out:

What does a typical day in your life look like? Let me know in the comments!

DIY Tassel Banner

Monday, November 18, 2019

Happy Monday! I am so excited for today's blog post as it is a fun (and easy) DIY perfect for your college dorm or apartment. After moving in, Rachel and I realized we had quite a bit of empty space on our walls that we wanted to fill and not drop a ton of money on (check out our living area here, my room here, and Rachel's room here). I decided to make a fun tassel banner (using these instructions) and I absolutely love how it turned out. I think it's perfect for birthday party photo backdrops or just everyday decor!

We typically have one that is pink, orange, and old with gold dots (featured in the last picture) but I decided to swap out the pink and orange for red and white to make it a bit festive for the holidays!


- Tissue Paper in desired colors (1 piece of tissue paper per tassel)
- Scissors
- Stapler
- Washi Tape
- Twine (or something to string the tassels together)
- Command hooks (to hang on wall)

1. Take one sheet of tissue paper and fold in half

2. Take a pair of scissors and cut through paper up until about 2 inches before crease

3. Unfold the tissue paper and lay completely flat

4. Roll the tissue paper tightly among the uncut middle portion

5. Twist the rolled piece and fold to make a loop

6. Staple the loop to hold together

7. Cover the staple with washiest tape

8. Repeat steps until you have the number of tassels you want (I have made it using 6 as well as 8)

9. String tassels through the twine

10. Hang on wall using command hooks

Thanks for reading!

How to Create an Inspiration Board

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Happy Wednesday y'all! I am so excited for today's blog post as it is actually a guest post! My sweet little Nora graciously agreed to share a post on how to create a cute inspiration board. She has the cutest inspiration boards in her bedroom in her apartment and let's just say the memo board in my bedroom (which you can see a tour of here) needed a bit of help. She is super creative (unlike me!) and helped me out with the project! I asked her if she wanted to share how to do it on the blog to help y'all create cute inspiration boards.

For a bit of background, Nora is my little in my sorority (I introduced her to y'all in this post) and is a sophomore at Clemson! She is a Marketing major from Boston and we both bonded over our love of preppy blogs. Here's a picture for reference even though I'm sure y'all know her from My Chic Week posts.

Hi everyone! I am so excited to be sharing a post on Katie’s blog today about making your own inspiration board. It’s a super easy, personalized, and cheap way to decorate your room or apartment! I love looking at mine everyday and everyone who comes into my room always compliments it. It’s a great way to share the things and people you love without breaking the bank (and you can change it whenever you want!).

Things You’ll Need:
· Corkboards/bulletin boards (I used two of these but you can find them anywhere or even DIY some!)
· Printed photos (I ordered mine from Shutterfly and Katie printed hers at home – both ways worked really well)
· Push pins/tape (I used these to add a pop of gold)
After you have all your supplies, it’s quick and easy to make your actual inspiration boards! I started by going through my photos and grouping certain ones together. Most of my photos were either 4x6 or 4x4, but I cut a few of them down to be even smaller. I found the graphics/quotes on Pinterest (here’s my board of all my inspiration board ideas) and VSCO, and then the rest are ones of me/ones I took! After I went through my photos, I started hanging them onto the boards. I found it easiest to start in a corner and work my way across the board. I think it looks the best to have the photos layered and not evenly spaced out. On my boards, I used a lot of nature photos and prints in the background as a way to fill the space. There’s really no right or wrong way to do this, just play around with it and see what you like the most! When photos were layered on top of each other, I made sure to tape them together using double stick tape. They’ve all stayed up so far (I put it up in August) so I’m hoping it’ll last all year! After all your photos are pinned/taped up, you’re done!
You can personalize your board even more by adding old notes/tickets/memories. I’m thinking of adding some of my football wristbands from this year or some of my plane tickets from the summer and last school year.

Thanks so much to Katie for letting me share this post today! I had so much fun writing it and I hope you all enjoyed reading it!
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